We Have Moved

We have moved to a new location! Please take the time to re-subscribe to keep receiving the blog. It is easy and fast–here we go.

1. Type your e-mail address into the subscribe box located at the top right of the page just under the header.

2. Next press the’ Subscribe’ button.

3. You will receive a confirming e-mail–if you do not see it check your spam, sometimes these e-mails end up there.

4. Next, hit the confirmation link given in the e-mail.

5. Success! You are now a new subscriber to lissyparker.com

The Queen will be waiting to confirm your subscription.

xo♥, Lissy


The Queen is waiting for your e-mail!

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2 Responses to We Have Moved

  1. LYDIA WOMACK says:

    Lissy, I do not se  a suscribe box….. Where is it?



  2. Cathy Garrett says:

    Lissy I tried to resubscribe there is not a subscribe box at the top of the page.

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